
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Count Down

"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles."
-Alex Karras

Warm Up

5 x 50 unbroken double unders (rest 30 seconds between each round)


Run 7 miles for best time

Count Down

Watch the video first. (click on the link, the video could not be embedded)


Forget the song and think about the context of the video.
Can you imagine being able to see a count down on top of the heads of everybody around you, showing you how much time they had left to live?
What would you do with that? Would you think of it as a gift or a curse?
Would you run around and help as many people as you could?

Honestly I believe we all have that power. The power to help one another.
A simple act of kindness can make all the difference in a persons life.
Just because you can't see a count down on top of someones head, doesn't mean you can't save there life. Or at the very least make their day better.
Trust me, smile and say hi to a stranger……………..who knows what could happen.



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