
Monday, June 14, 2010

Never Surrender

"Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him."
-Aldous Leonard Huxley, Texts and Pretexts, 1932

Warm Up

5x3 Squat Snatch
3x3 Snatch Balance
3x3 Snatch Grip Deadlift

As many Double Unders possible in 10 mins.

Rest 5 -7 mins.

for time
5 rounds of
5 Muscle Ups
15 Burpees

Run 5 Miles for time

Never Surrender

I love this movie and this is one of the best scenes from 'The Last Samurai'.
In this clip, Tom Cruise's character gets demolished.
He didn't stand a chance at all against his opponent, a wiser, faster and more skillful
Samurai warrior.
But, he stood his ground regardless.
Not only did he stand his ground, but every time that he was knocked down he got back up.

Was he beaten? Yes
Was he defeated? NO

I know it's just a movie, but you can see in his eyes that not for one second was he going to quit.
He fought until his body could no longer keep pace with his spirit.

That's how we should be every single day.
With every trouble that comes our way.
We should face it with all our might.
Life is full of obstacles, some small and some big.
But we should not allow these obstacles to define who we are.
I might be taken to my knees one day, but I promise that my spirit will always stand tall.
Take life head on, and let no one or no thing defeat you.
Live this LIFE.


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