
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."
-Steve Prefontaine

Warm Up

50 Back Squats @135#
50 Front Squats @115#
50 OverHead Squats @95#
(Do the least amount of sets possible for each set)

100 Handstand Push Ups for time
If you're not able to do Handstand PushUps
do 300 Push Ups for time.
Full range of motion for both.

Rest 3+ hours

500 Double Unders for time


When it comes to committing to a physical task, I don't think that there is anything as demanding as "free climbing" or "soloing". They are both the same thing, basically it's climbing rock walls (natural or man made) without the usage of ropes. When rock climbing ropes are used in case you slip or fall and will catch you. Without ropes, once you've started your ascent up you better keep going up or, well there is no or.
There are loads of amazing free climbing videos but these two have always been very amazing to me. The first is of Dan Osman, an American climber, who became very popular in the 90's. And the second is of
Kothi Raja and Indian climber, known as "Mr Jyothiraja". Watch what he does at 0:11 in the video.


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