
Saturday, September 5, 2009


"Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first, the lesson afterwards."

Warm Up

Clean & Jerk

15 Power Clean & Jerk @ 135#
5 Muscle Ups
12 Power C&J @ 145#
5 Muscle Ups
9 Power C&J @ 155#
5 Muscle Ups
6 Power C&J @ 165#
5 Muscle Ups
3 Power C&J @ 175#

rest 3-5 mins.

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Run 8 x 20 sec. on/ 10 sec. off
all out efforts


I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life.
One thing that I am constantly grateful for is that I was born
healthy. I never want to take my physicality for granted, it's a
gift that I never intend to waist.
A family close to my family has a son that is my age, and when
he was just a baby, he had an accident which left him completely
paralyzed for the rest of his life. My parents took us to see him every
year for his birthday, and I remember how much seeing him affected me.
I kept wondering if the accident hadn't occurred would we have been friends, would we have fought or have competed against each other.
He is constantly in my thoughts. I feel like I owe it to him to never complain and to constantly move forward in life. My buddy and I, while training, always yell his name or initials at one another if we are lagging or not giving 100% while training.
I write his initials on my left hand before every workout, race or competition I take part in. I sent my medal from the first triathlon I competed in to him, because thinking of him got me through it. He is my driving force and because he can't, I will.
Why him and not me, I have no idea, but I will never be lazy or a complainer because to me that would be an insult to him.
His name is Hunter. So the next time something is "too hard", remember him.
I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life.


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