
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once.
-William Shakespeare

Warm Up

OverHead Squats 3-3-3-3

7 rounds for time
5 Thrusters @ 115#
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 70# KB
10 GI Janes (Burpee into a Pull Up)
Run 200 meters

Rest 3+ hours

5 rounds for time
15 SumoDeadLift @70# KB
10 Goblet Squats @70# KB
5 KB Swings @70# KB



We aren't quite as important as we would like to think we are.

But I see this as a great thing. Our problems and worries become so big in our minds that we become so self involved and distracted to what life is truly about.
Now I'm not claiming to know "the secret to life", because honestly that answer is completely different for each and every person. But the one thing in common to each persons "secret" is true happiness in whatever brings that to you. Because if you're not laughing everyday, you're missing the point of your time here.


I've busted my face, cracked my head, and have had multiple stitches and not once did a tear run down my cheek, but watching this ladies story last night made me tear up. I sometimes find myself judging peoples "strength" by their physical appearance, and lets be honest the contestants on NBC's 'The Biggest Loser' are not the ideal representation of strength. But once again my ego was checked and I was completely proved wrong. Season 8 of the Biggest Loser aired last night and it began with the typical, boo hoo stories of why these people have "let themselves go". But then Abby told her story.

What an amazing STRONG spirit and heart this woman has. She said "by the grace of God I was not in the van with my family. So for some unknown reason to me God kept me here for a second chance." and she said it with tears AND a smile. I've never lost anyone that is extremely close to me and I honestly don't know how I'd handle it. Jillian the female trainer on the show said the same thing. She also said that when she does lose a loved one she will remember Abby's strength and that will help her be strong at that time.
Abby showed me how to be STRONG in an area that, without hearing her story and seeing how she is handling it, I may have been a much weaker person.
I will from this day forward do my best never to judge "strength" purely on physical appearance.


Ok WAY to much foo foo stuff today so this is to fire you back up and get you hard chargin today!
Always fires me up!


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