
Friday, October 30, 2009

Connect the Dots

Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.

Warm Up

20 Pistols each leg

Burpee Bedlam”
2 x 35# Dumbbells for time:
30 burpees
30 db deadlifts
30 burpees
30 db cleans
30 burpees
30 db presses
30 burpees
30 db push presses
30 burpees
30 db jerks
30 burpees
30 db swings
30 burpees
30 db sdhp's
30 burpees
30 db snatches left/hand
30 burpee
30 db snatches right/hand
30 burpees
30 turkish get-up (15 each arm)

(if needed scale to 20 or 10 based on your experience and abilities)

Rest 3+ hours

3 mile run


My Dad first sent me an email of this speech, by Steve Jobs, in 2005.
Whether you like Mr. Jobs or not, makes no difference.
His words are powerful and inspirational.
"Believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads off the well worn path."
Live this Life


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