
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Warm Up
with only 6 minutes to complete this
Run 800 meters
and with the remainder of the time do As Many Reps Possible of
Overhead Squats @ 115#

5 rounds of
1 Strict Shoulder Press @ 115#
1 Strict Pull Ups
1 Strict Shoulder Press
3 Strict Pull Ups
1 Strict Shoulder Press
5 Strict Pull Ups

for time 21-15-9 of
Thrusters @ 2x55# Dumbbells
Pull Ups

Run 3 miles for time


This is a video of John Eldredge, author of 'Wild At Heart' (Amazing book, if you haven't read it. Read it). In this video John is being interviewed about his book by a cnn reporter. This dude (the reporter) simply doesn't get it.

Pretty funny to me that the guys John is saying not to be, is exactly what the cnn reporter is. I believe the correct term is tool. My goal with this blog is to never be negative or pessimistic, two things I believe should be avoided every single day. So with that I'll leave the reporter alone now.

The point of this post is briefly summarize what Mr. Eldredge speaks about in his book. Below are a few quotes from his book.

• ...in the heart of every man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.

• Most messages for men ultimately fail. The reason is simple. They ignore what is deep and true to a man’s heart, his real passions, and simply try to shape him up through various forms of pressure.

• If a man is ever to find out who he is and what he is here for, he has got to take that journey for himself. He has got to get his heart back.

• Even if he can’t put it into words, every man is haunted by the question, “Am I really a man? Have I got what it takes…when it counts?”

• Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

That same word always seems to come up……Passion.

Seek your passion and you will live a full LIFE.

Just a side note but a great book by John Eldredge for any women who might read this blog it
'Captivating'. Good one for guys to read too.


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