
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience."

Warm Up


15-10-5 of

Power Snatch @ 135#

Toes to Bar


Run 10k


15-10-5 of

Power Clean @ 155#

Pull Ups


Laminin : a molecular cell adhesion molecule that is the glue holding together protein molecules in the body.

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The picture on the left is a diagram of a Laminin molecule and to the right are actual pictures of Laminin molecules. Pretty cool that the molecule that holds our body together, holds us together is shaped like a cross.

Laminin is the glue that holds the human body together. It's what keeps us from falling apart.

Some may think that this is a stretch and thats ok. Thats where faith steps in.

I know where my faith stands and that makes me a better man.

A life without faith is a life without purpose.

I completely believe in studying, researching and asking questions. Everybody from every culture, race and religion can teach me something to better this life. But the more I learn the stronger my faith becomes.

Faith is defined as, complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Complete trust, pretty much means walking blindly. Love is faith. We have no idea if the ones we love will always be there for us, but we have faith that they will.

Live with Faith.

God is Love.


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